The habit of keeping warm right idea but the wrong body
In this freezing weather, keeping warm is the most important body. However, some warm way seemed right but counterproductive jog!
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During the day the temperature is very low, many people have the habit of keeping your feet warm by going multi-layer socks. However, this approach will not bring the desired effect, moreover they are harmful to our health. Offering more difficult every leg will cause sweat wicking moisture and makes you feel colder. In addition, some feet problems will drag on if you keep this constant habit that!
To keep your feet warm, you can soak them in hot water for about 5-7 minutes to help moderate relaxed legs and warm up. Then, make sure to dry them and bring a warm socks capable of wicking up the good sweat!
Therefore, we are absolutely not heated by charcoal, firewood for long periods or confined spaces, narrow. Instead, some way to warm the body, such as heating bags, bags of rice will stay warm ... much safer.
Wear many clothes at bedtime
Habit of wearing layers of clothes to go to sleep in the cold season is widely used to warm the body. In addition to causing critical sensation and discomfort when sleeping, they also increase the friction on the skin, obstructing blood flow and metabolism. In addition, wear more clothes made flying difficult and hindered sweat soaked body backwards causing cold susceptibility.
To just keep warm and do not harm the health, you should avoid wearing too many layers of clothing, a set of clothes to keep heat at will help you sleep more comfortable there!
Going much all
During the day the temperature is very low, many people have the habit of keeping your feet warm by going multi-layer socks. However, this approach will not bring the desired effect, moreover they are harmful to our health. Offering more difficult every leg will cause sweat wicking moisture and makes you feel colder. In addition, some feet problems will drag on if you keep this constant habit that!
To keep your feet warm, you can soak them in hot water for about 5-7 minutes to help moderate relaxed legs and warm up. Then, make sure to dry them and bring a warm socks capable of wicking up the good sweat!
Drinking alcohol or hot drinks
Many people think that alcohol helps warm the body, but do not know that they do have the opposite effect. Warm feeling when you drink is due to dilated blood vessels that carry blood toward the skin hot. This effect is temporary and then it will increase the risk of hypothermia. The hot drinks as well, they affect nerves in the tongue and then make the body causes the body to sweat cold. Therefore, these drinks are not helping warm.
Heating by coal, wood
This is a mistake that many people make when still warm body. When heated by coal, wood will generate CO (carbon monoxide) - a colorless gas, odorless, tasteless but very dangerous for health. At this time, we will reduce the amount of oxygen in the air, causing severe poisoning or even death. The expression of this gas poisoning is difficult to detect until the infected person losing consciousness, especially during sleep will increase the risk of death.
Therefore, we are absolutely not heated by charcoal, firewood for long periods or confined spaces, narrow. Instead, some way to warm the body, such as heating bags, bags of rice will stay warm ... much safer.
Wear many clothes at bedtime
Habit of wearing layers of clothes to go to sleep in the cold season is widely used to warm the body. In addition to causing critical sensation and discomfort when sleeping, they also increase the friction on the skin, obstructing blood flow and metabolism. In addition, wear more clothes made flying difficult and hindered sweat soaked body backwards causing cold susceptibility.
To just keep warm and do not harm the health, you should avoid wearing too many layers of clothing, a set of clothes to keep heat at will help you sleep more comfortable there!
The habit of keeping warm right idea but the wrong body
10:47 PM

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