4 reasons why black leather winter is easier than summer
Why no sun but you still dull skin? Maybe you have made mistakes care 4 following!
Do not apply sunscreen
Weather cold and no sun makes you think their skin safe. In essence, though you do not see the sun's rays, then 80% of UVA and UVB rays still penetrate the clouds that attack the skin. Skipping sunscreen now may be the reason why black bronzed go there!
Workaround: You should use sunscreen when outside. To prevent dry skin, you can mix sunscreen lotion on a ratio of 1: 3 offline!
Lazy exfoliation
Winter is the time we were lazy in contact with water. You will tend to neglect cleansing and exfoliation. The result is a lubricant, dirt from the air accumulates on the skin causing dull skin condition. This residue layer also prevents white moisturizer or effective care.
Workaround: You should still wash your face and exfoliate regularly. At the very least, need to wash your face 1 times / day in the evening and exfoliation 1 times / week.
Poor blood circulation
When the temperature drops low, the body will automatically put the blood into the body to keep warm. The result is not good blood circulation in the face, causing skin pale, tired and dull. If you notice skin darkening winter suddenly go and look darker side than normal, chances are you are anemic due to that!
Workaround: When cleanser or cream, use 1-2 fingers circle massage helps blood circulation to your face better. Addition of iron-rich foods such as eggs, seafood, vegetables red, orange ... will face radiant and ruddy.
Apply cosmetics too much
Too much cream on skin permeation makes up, causing the skin condition secret hissing, pouring oil and dull, even in winter. On the other hand, a lot of creams containing vitamin A sun tan as you do not abuse.
Workaround: Put it in thin layers rather than one thick layer of cream to good permeability. Only use products containing vitamin A (or another form of vitamin A as retinol) in the evening.
Do not apply sunscreen
Weather cold and no sun makes you think their skin safe. In essence, though you do not see the sun's rays, then 80% of UVA and UVB rays still penetrate the clouds that attack the skin. Skipping sunscreen now may be the reason why black bronzed go there!
Workaround: You should use sunscreen when outside. To prevent dry skin, you can mix sunscreen lotion on a ratio of 1: 3 offline!
Lazy exfoliation
Winter is the time we were lazy in contact with water. You will tend to neglect cleansing and exfoliation. The result is a lubricant, dirt from the air accumulates on the skin causing dull skin condition. This residue layer also prevents white moisturizer or effective care.
Workaround: You should still wash your face and exfoliate regularly. At the very least, need to wash your face 1 times / day in the evening and exfoliation 1 times / week.
Poor blood circulation
When the temperature drops low, the body will automatically put the blood into the body to keep warm. The result is not good blood circulation in the face, causing skin pale, tired and dull. If you notice skin darkening winter suddenly go and look darker side than normal, chances are you are anemic due to that!
Workaround: When cleanser or cream, use 1-2 fingers circle massage helps blood circulation to your face better. Addition of iron-rich foods such as eggs, seafood, vegetables red, orange ... will face radiant and ruddy.
Apply cosmetics too much
Too much cream on skin permeation makes up, causing the skin condition secret hissing, pouring oil and dull, even in winter. On the other hand, a lot of creams containing vitamin A sun tan as you do not abuse.
Workaround: Put it in thin layers rather than one thick layer of cream to good permeability. Only use products containing vitamin A (or another form of vitamin A as retinol) in the evening.
4 reasons why black leather winter is easier than summer
10:49 PM

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