Add benefits makes you want to nap more frequently
Naps are really necessary? Do you think you can work more efficiently when no lunch breaks and work harder?
If you are so busy that he had no time to nap, it's time to change it, just 20 minutes per day only. A recent study has shown that the productivity of those who rest in the afternoon is usually higher than those who did not nap. Let's look at the benefits of a break at noon offline!
Helps increase productivity
Many studies have demonstrated some respite in the afternoon is very important to help the body and mind recover. To increase productivity, you need an hour break at noon.
Increase your focus
To concentrate, you need a short rest period. The brain will not work well without a break. Around midday break enough for the brain to recover and continue to work more flexibly.
Helps nourish the body
This is one of the health benefits to the rest of the afternoon. What advice could not advise you to skip lunch even when very busy. When hungry, your brain will not focus well on the job.
Helps you not sleepy
Sleep nap for 10-15 minutes after eating will help you no longer feel sleepy while working. Sleep nap in the afternoon to help your spirit more alert in the afternoon.
You will lose weight
Many studies indicate that a deep nap, comfortable helps awake until the end of the day. Therefore, snack cravings will decrease, you eat less and lose weight.
Obviously, some respite in the afternoon brought much benefit to you. So in addition to sleep out, there are ways to rest at noon? If you have time, you can walk into your body time to digest food better. If your work place is near the park, sit here a little rest at noon time to recharge for the evening. Rest noon can simply contact your loved one. This will make you a better mood, which in turn helps improve your productivity.
If you are so busy that he had no time to nap, it's time to change it, just 20 minutes per day only. A recent study has shown that the productivity of those who rest in the afternoon is usually higher than those who did not nap. Let's look at the benefits of a break at noon offline!
Helps increase productivity
Many studies have demonstrated some respite in the afternoon is very important to help the body and mind recover. To increase productivity, you need an hour break at noon.
Increase your focus
To concentrate, you need a short rest period. The brain will not work well without a break. Around midday break enough for the brain to recover and continue to work more flexibly.
Helps nourish the body
This is one of the health benefits to the rest of the afternoon. What advice could not advise you to skip lunch even when very busy. When hungry, your brain will not focus well on the job.
Helps you not sleepy
Sleep nap for 10-15 minutes after eating will help you no longer feel sleepy while working. Sleep nap in the afternoon to help your spirit more alert in the afternoon.
You will lose weight
Many studies indicate that a deep nap, comfortable helps awake until the end of the day. Therefore, snack cravings will decrease, you eat less and lose weight.
Obviously, some respite in the afternoon brought much benefit to you. So in addition to sleep out, there are ways to rest at noon? If you have time, you can walk into your body time to digest food better. If your work place is near the park, sit here a little rest at noon time to recharge for the evening. Rest noon can simply contact your loved one. This will make you a better mood, which in turn helps improve your productivity.
Add benefits makes you want to nap more frequently
5:37 AM

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