Awards gala honoring WeChoice 2015 and the unforgettable moments!

Last Station "Bus inspiration" has left significant impressions and unforgettable gala honored with sublimation and many emotions.
End of a journey is often the feeling like? Weary had to go through a long distance? Eagerness to have the finish or regret having to step down the bus and say goodbye to those who had and his companions traveling there?

It's hard to describe our feelings, and all of you again at this time, when "Bus inspiration" that we step up, and move to the tram stop, emotional, funny and sad , and be awakened the motivation, passion, courage, joy and love life are asleep, much more emotions ... stopped. Gala honored recently as the last stop of WeChoice Awards 2015!

Perhaps long ago, the reunion new people crowded together enough to revisit the story, listen to share, meet the characters has inspired myself and hundreds or thousands of others out there like last night (26/1). Fun yes, sad there, smiling there, tears also - those are the emotions that flourished WeChoice Awards gala has brought to those present and monitored.

Certainly there are still nostalgic, still things are not really perfect, but we believe that all of us had a memorable night and unforgettable ...

My Tam has always attracted the attention of the audience

White and black play meaningful

Tien Tien and ruffled her hair very personality

Dramatic colorful sparkle
Many of the guests and the audience cried with emotion, a memorable night for everyone.

Awards gala honoring WeChoice 2015 and the unforgettable moments! Awards gala honoring WeChoice 2015 and the unforgettable moments! on 9:31 PM Rating: 5

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