10 signs that a healthy woman
The body reacts with intelligent health status should simply rely on external signs that were able to partially recognize a healthy woman.
So the body's signs show that you are healthy or not? The answer is yes.
Here are 10 signs that you are a healthy woman:
Appropriate weight
BMI (Body Mass Index) is a number calculated from height and weight, may reflect tell you if you are underweight or overweight, this is a reliable indicator to determine the weight that suits you . If the body mass index (BMI) within your good, this is a sign that your health good.
Normal heartbeat
Heart rate - the figure seemed very familiar, but not everyone can plainly. If your heart rate is between 60-80 beats per minute, this is a sign that you're healthy. If your heart rate is higher than the normal means having an increased myocardial oxygen demand. It can lead to heart attack, damaging the heart muscle cells deprived of oxygen.
If you find yourself waking up in the morning healthy, awake brain, which is one of the signs that you are healthy. This proves that you are having a quiet night's sleep, do not wake up in the night, no night sweats ... But if the opposite, ie your body is low on energy. This problem can be caused by multiple perpetrators, such as sleep deprivation, malnutrition, stress ...
Lips chapped
Lips dry, cracked skin is not only disfiguring but also the first major inconvenience in your daily life. And more importantly, dry lips, cracks may be signs that your body is very dehydrated. Small cracks in the corners of the lips can be caused by a lack of vitamin B and zinc too.
Easy bowel movements
Good bowel movement, regularity is a proven indicator good health, the body can handle solid waste quickly and efficiently. It shows that your diet is full of fiber, digestive system metabolize very good.
If case you have constipation, diarrhea and abnormal in the "going out", which is the sign of your digestive tract are problems jog.
Light-colored urine, in
Please note that the color of urine after urination. If your urine is pale yellow, this is a sign that you drink enough water and healthy. On the other hand, if the urine is dark, you need to drink more water, urine colorless volume proved too much water in the body, dark yellow urine proves you're having trouble with the liver, urine red color is a sign of inflammation of the kidney, bladder infections.
light skin
The skin reflects your youthfulness, beauty and health of a person. A beautiful skin is a smooth soft skin, stress balls, healthy glow. Therefore, if you have bad skin means you are having problems with hormones, diet and stress.
Small wound on the body heal within one or two days, is a sign to show that you are in good health. If injured, but the wounds that are slow to heal, you should feel worried about your health problems are, it may be the cells in your blood is infected.
Every day you wake up, find it extremely refreshing spirit. Well, this proves your body is very healthy. And vice versa, ask yourself that, if you eat the right amount of food needed to help improve health and ensure your brain works well daily.
You should know that brain energy consumption as well as the heart, lungs or the motor, it burns about 10% of calories per minute jog!
Menses are
Regular menstrual cycles and steadily with premenstrual symptoms normally is one of the best indicators signaling your reproductive system is perfectly healthy. If a missed or late trading may be due to malnutrition, overwork or even this could be a symptom of gynecological diseases related to the ovaries, the uterus, the most common is polycystic syndrome ovary.
10 signs that a healthy woman
10:06 AM

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